Tuesday, March 24, 2009

over stimulation

so at any given moment in the same moment when driving in malawi, you might have...one car at a dead stand still in your lane while simultaneously having a car trying to pass from the oncoming traffic (on a double yellow mind you...if there is an actual double yellow line painted on the street), with various pedestrians on the side of the road as well as two or so casually crossing the street...yet everyone is still driving at about 50 kph passing within a hair thickness of the car next to them.  This happened today as I was driving to the grocery store.  I turned the corner and was able to look down this 4 lane road in Lilongwe...i saw all of this at the same time.  I chuckled to myself.  Shocking thing is....it didnt phase me...i was one of those people continuing to travel at the same speed.  I clearly remember the days where i would have flipped from the slight stimulation overload! 

1 comment:

Grace G said...

That's hilarious! Sounds a lot like traffic in Peru, although I always used public transportation, so I'm impressed that you're driving. A Peruvian friend of mine visited me in Jackson last week, and one of the things that impressed her the most was how "orderly" the traffic was!